Friday, October 19, 2007

Love you tongue ,nose and eyes

Did you ever wonder why your favourite food taste so good? Have you ever thought about why foods taste different? It's really quite amazing. Your tongue and the roof of your mouth are covered with thousands of tiny taste buds. When you eat something, the saliva in your mouth helps break down your food. This causes the receptor cells located in your tastes buds to send messages through sensory nerves to your brain. Your brain then tells you what flavors you are tasting.

Taste buds probably play the most important part in helping you enjoy the many flavors of food. Your taste buds can recognize four basic kinds of tastes: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. The salty/sweet taste buds are located near the front of your tongue; the sour taste buds line the sides of your tongue; and the bitter taste buds are found at the very back of your tongue.

Everyone's tastes are different. In fact, your tastes will change as you get older. When you were a baby, you had taste buds, not only on your tongue, but on the sides and roof of your mouth. This means you were very sensitive to different foods. As you grew, the taste buds began to disappear from the sides and roof of your mouth, leaving taste buds mostly on your tongue. As you get older, your taste buds will become even less sensitive, so you will be more likely to eat foods that you thought were too strong as a child.

Besides that,nose and eyes are also quite important when you are eating.
Look at what you eat, if not terrible things might get into your mouth which taste like "chow taufu".Your nose and taste buds works perfectly to create the true flavour of food! Smell your food, dont sniff. Without smelling, we can't differentiate food properly.Try holding your nose the next time you eat something. You'll notice that your taste buds are able to tell your brain something about what you're eating - that it's sweet, for instance - but you won't be able to pick the exact flavor until you let go of your nose.
Therefore, love your tongue , nose and eyes.

God created us for good, not for bad.

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